If you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase you can return it for an exchange or refund, provided it is within 30 days of purchase and the item is as new* and in original packaging.
Returns: You have 30 calendar days to return an item from the day you received it.
Make sure you place a return or refund request with your receipt number to our email: neomaticc@gmail.com.
Once we receive the return or refund request you will have 30 calendar days to send your item.
The Item must be "as new", in the original packaging, and with the receipt number of your purchase.
Once we receive the item, NeoMatic will try to process the request as soon as possible, 10-15 business days or less.
NeoMatic is unable to refund postage on expedited or international shipping. Any return delivery disputes must be accompanied by proof of delivery. NeoMatic is not responsible for lost or misdirected packages.